Information For Employers
This is a reminder that all monthly contribution hours and payments are required to be sent to the Fund office by the 10th of the month. If hours have not been received by the 20th of the month, your employee’s benefits will be terminated and members will be issued a COBRA notice. If payment for the assigned monthly contribution hours is received after the 20th of the month, interest assessments are levied from the first day of the month at an annualized rate of 10%. Avoid benefit terminations and interest by making timely submissions!
Attention: Accounting Dept.
303 Molnar Drive (1st Floor)
Elmwood Park, NJ 07407
Email: Go to Contact Form
Phone: (201) 867-3553
or 1-866-560-FUND (3863)
Fax: (201) 867-2560
TENJ Employer Resources
TENJ Employer Remittance Report Form (PDF)
© 2025 Trucking Employees of North Jersey Welfare Fund, Inc.